Thursday, April 24, 2008


The movie Accepted is about a group of high school graduates who were rejected from college, so they created their own. The movie was made for high school and college students. The purpose of the movie is to point out the flaws of the college system. Accepted uses all three rhetorical appeals. Pathos is very prominent all throughout the movie. Ethos is used heavily as well. Logos is not used very often. There are a few statistics thrown in occasionally throughout the movie. The movie is a comedy and so it uses a lot of pathos. Ethos is used a lot because of all of the sarcastic jokes that make up the movie.
Accepted speaks volumes about our society. It has become socially unacceptable to not go to college. Someone without a college degree is considered a slacker or a deadbeat and is stereotyped as being the manager of a fast food restaurant. This is not fair because college isn't right for some people. Accepted also goes over the fear of rejection in several different forms. The main character is rejected by the girl that he likes plus 7 or 8 different colleges. He is also alienated from his parents who prefer his little sister, who is an eighth grade student already preparing for the SATs and college. Also, the movie talks about the stress of waiting for an acceptance letter and the classes. In the movie there are some extreme cases of stressed students. One student is trying to write down everything the teacher is saying because he believes it might be on the midterm or final. The stress of college is overwhelming and can do terrible things to the student, but it is socially sanctioned and must be done in order to land a decent career.

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